设计模式教程(Design Patterns Tutorial)笔记之一 创建型模式(Creational Patterns)...
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最近在YouTube上看了一套不错的,同时翻看GOF的《设计模式 可复用面向对象软件的基础》,刷新了我对设计模式的认识。加之之前的一篇博文中未提及比较少用的解释器和访问者模式,以及大陆无法打开YouTube等原因,所以将这套视频所学到的主要内容记录成笔记,供未来需要时查阅和复习。


What is the Factory Design Pattern?

• When a method returns one of several possible classes that share a common super class.

• Create a new enemy in a game.

• Random number generator picks a number assigned to a specific enemy.

• The factory returns the enemy associated with that number.

• The class is chosen at run time.

Sample Code

• EnemyShip.java

1 public abstract class EnemyShip { 2      3     private String name; 4     private double speed; 5     private double directionX; 6     private double directionY; 7     private double amtDamage; 8      9     public String getName() { return name; }10     public void setName(String newName) { name = newName; }11     12     public double getDamage() { return amtDamage; }13     public void setDamage(double newDamage) { amtDamage = newDamage; }14     15     public void followHeroShip(){16         17         System.out.println(getName() + " is following the hero");18         19     }20     21     public void displayEnemyShip(){22         23         System.out.println(getName() + " is on the screen");24         25     }26     27     public void enemyShipShoots() {28         29         System.out.println(getName() + " attacks and does " + getDamage() + " damage to hero");30         31     }32     33 }

• UFOEnemyShip.java

1 public class UFOEnemyShip extends EnemyShip { 2      3     public UFOEnemyShip(){ 4          5         setName("UFO Enemy Ship"); 6          7         setDamage(20.0); 8          9     }10     11 }

• RocketEnemyShip.java

1 public class RocketEnemyShip extends EnemyShip { 2      3     public RocketEnemyShip(){ 4          5         setName("Rocket Enemy Ship"); 6          7         setDamage(10.0); 8          9     }10     11 }

• EnemyShipTesting.java

1 import java.util.Scanner; 2  3 public class EnemyShipTesting { 4  5     public static void main(String[] args){ 6          7         // Create the factory object 8         EnemyShipFactory shipFactory = new EnemyShipFactory(); 9         10         // Enemy ship object11         12         EnemyShip theEnemy = null;13         14         Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);15         16         System.out.print("What type of ship? (U / R / B)");17         18         if (userInput.hasNextLine()){19             20             String typeOfShip = userInput.nextLine();21         22             theEnemy = shipFactory.makeEnemyShip(typeOfShip);23             24             if(theEnemy != null){25                 26                 doStuffEnemy(theEnemy);27                 28             } else System.out.print("Please enter U, R, or B next time");29         30         }31         32         /*33         EnemyShip theEnemy = null;34         35         // Old way of creating objects36         // When we use new we are not being dynamic37         38         EnemyShip ufoShip = new UFOEnemyShip();39         40         doStuffEnemy(ufoShip);41         42         System.out.print("\n");43         44         // -----------------------------------------45         46         // This allows me to make the program more dynamic47         // It doesn't close the code from being modified48         // and that is bad!49         50         // Defines an input stream to watch: keyboard51         Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);52         53         String enemyShipOption = "";54         55         System.out.print("What type of ship? (U or R)");56         57         if (userInput.hasNextLine()){58             59             enemyShipOption = userInput.nextLine();60             61         }62         63         if (enemyShipOption == "U"){64             65             theEnemy = new UFOEnemyShip();66 67             68         } else 69         70         if (enemyShipOption == "R"){71             72             theEnemy = new RocketEnemyShip();73             74         } else {75             76             theEnemy = new BigUFOEnemyShip();77             78         }79         80         doStuffEnemy(theEnemy);81         82         // --------------------------------------------83         */84         85     }86     87     // Executes methods of the super class88     89     public static void doStuffEnemy(EnemyShip anEnemyShip){90         91         anEnemyShip.displayEnemyShip();92         93         anEnemyShip.followHeroShip();94         95         anEnemyShip.enemyShipShoots();96         97     }98     99 }

• BigUFOEnemyShip.java

1 public class BigUFOEnemyShip extends UFOEnemyShip { 2      3     public BigUFOEnemyShip(){ 4          5         setName("Big UFO Enemy Ship"); 6          7         setDamage(40.0); 8          9     }10     11 }

• EnemyShipFactory.java

1 // This is a factory thats only job is creating ships 2 // By encapsulating ship creation, we only have one 3 // place to make modifications 4  5 public class EnemyShipFactory{ 6      7     // This could be used as a static method if we 8     // are willing to give up subclassing it 9     10     public EnemyShip makeEnemyShip(String newShipType){11         12         EnemyShip newShip = null;13         14         if (newShipType.equals("U")){15             16             return new UFOEnemyShip();17             18         } else 19         20         if (newShipType.equals("R")){21             22             return new RocketEnemyShip();23             24         } else 25         26         if (newShipType.equals("B")){27             28             return new BigUFOEnemyShip();29             30         } else return null;31         32     }33     34 }

Abstract Factory

What is the Abstract Factory Design Pattern?

• It is like a factory, but everything is encapsulated.

• The method that orders the object.

• The factories that build the object.

• The final objects.

• The final objects contain objects that use the Strategy Design Pattern.

• Composition: Object class fields are objects.

What can you do with an Abstract Factory Design Pattern?

• Allows you to create families of related objects without specifying a concrete class.

• Use when you have many objects that can be added, or changed dynamically during runtime.

• You can model anything you can imagine and have those objects interact through common interfaces.

• The Bad: Things can get complicated.

Sample Code

• EnemyShipTesting.java

1 public class EnemyShipTesting { 2      3 public static void main(String[] args) { 4          5         // EnemyShipBuilding handles orders for new EnemyShips 6         // You send it a code using the orderTheShip method & 7         // it sends the order to the right factory for creation 8      9         EnemyShipBuilding MakeUFOs = new UFOEnemyShipBuilding();10  11         EnemyShip theGrunt = MakeUFOs.orderTheShip("UFO");12         System.out.println(theGrunt + "\n");13         14         EnemyShip theBoss = MakeUFOs.orderTheShip("UFO BOSS");15         System.out.println(theBoss + "\n");16  17     }18     19 }

• EnemyShipBuilding.java

1 public abstract class EnemyShipBuilding { 2      3     // This acts as an ordering mechanism for creating 4     // EnemyShips that have a weapon, engine & name 5     // & nothing else 6      7     // The specific parts used for engine & weapon depend 8     // upon the String that is passed to this method 9  10     protected abstract EnemyShip makeEnemyShip(String typeOfShip);11  12     // When called a new EnemyShip is made. The specific parts13     // are based on the String entered. After the ship is made14     // we execute multiple methods in the EnemyShip Object15     16     public EnemyShip orderTheShip(String typeOfShip) {17         EnemyShip theEnemyShip = makeEnemyShip(typeOfShip);18         19         theEnemyShip.makeShip();20         theEnemyShip.displayEnemyShip();21         theEnemyShip.followHeroShip();22         theEnemyShip.enemyShipShoots();23         24         return theEnemyShip;25         26     }27 }

• UFOEnemyShipBuilding.java

1 // This is the only class that needs to change, if you 2 // want to determine which enemy ships you want to 3 // provide as an option to build 4  5 public class UFOEnemyShipBuilding extends EnemyShipBuilding { 6  7     protected EnemyShip makeEnemyShip(String typeOfShip) { 8         EnemyShip theEnemyShip = null; 9         10         // If UFO was sent grab use the factory that knows11         // what types of weapons and engines a regular UFO12         // needs. The EnemyShip object is returned & given a name13         14         if(typeOfShip.equals("UFO")){15             EnemyShipFactory shipPartsFactory = new UFOEnemyShipFactory();16             theEnemyShip = new UFOEnemyShip(shipPartsFactory);17             theEnemyShip.setName("UFO Grunt Ship");18             19         } else 20             21         // If UFO BOSS was sent grab use the factory that knows22         // what types of weapons and engines a Boss UFO23         // needs. The EnemyShip object is returned & given a name24             25         if(typeOfShip.equals("UFO BOSS")){26             EnemyShipFactory shipPartsFactory = new UFOBossEnemyShipFactory();27             theEnemyShip = new UFOBossEnemyShip(shipPartsFactory);28             theEnemyShip.setName("UFO Boss Ship");29             30         } 31         32         return theEnemyShip;33     }34 }

• EnemyShipFactory.java

1 // With an Abstract Factory Pattern you won't 2 // just build ships, but also all of the components 3 // for the ships 4  5 // Here is where you define the parts that are required 6 // if an object wants to be an enemy ship 7  8 public interface EnemyShipFactory{ 9     10     public ESWeapon addESGun();11     public ESEngine addESEngine();12     13 }

• UFOEnemyShipFactory.java

1 // This factory uses the EnemyShipFactory interface 2 // to create very specific UFO Enemy Ship 3  4 // This is where we define all of the parts the ship 5 // will use by defining the methods implemented 6 // being ESWeapon and ESEngine 7  8 // The returned object specifies a specific weapon & engine 9 10 public class UFOEnemyShipFactory implements EnemyShipFactory{11 12     // Defines the weapon object to associate with the ship13     14     public ESWeapon addESGun() {15         return new ESUFOGun(); // Specific to regular UFO16     }17 18     // Defines the engine object to associate with the ship19     20     public ESEngine addESEngine() {21         return new ESUFOEngine(); // Specific to regular UFO22     }23 }

• UFOBossEnemyShipFactory.java

1 // This factory uses the EnemyShipFactory interface 2 // to create very specific UFO Enemy Ship 3  4 // This is where we define all of the parts the ship 5 // will use by defining the methods implemented 6 // being ESWeapon and ESEngine 7  8 // The returned object specifies a specific weapon & engine 9 10 public class UFOBossEnemyShipFactory implements EnemyShipFactory{11 12     // Defines the weapon object to associate with the ship13     14     public ESWeapon addESGun() {15         return new ESUFOBossGun(); // Specific to Boss UFO16     }17 18     // Defines the engine object to associate with the ship19     20     public ESEngine addESEngine() {21         return new ESUFOBossEngine(); // Specific to Boss UFO22     }23 24 }

• EnemyShip.java

1 public abstract class EnemyShip { 2      3     private String name; 4      5     // Newly defined objects that represent weapon & engine 6     // These can be changed easily by assigning new parts  7     // in UFOEnemyShipFactory or UFOBossEnemyShipFactory 8      9     ESWeapon weapon;10     ESEngine engine;11     12     public String getName() { return name; }13     public void setName(String newName) { name = newName; }14     15     abstract void makeShip();16     17     // Because I defined the toString method in engine18     // when it is printed the String defined in toString goes19     // on the screen20     21     public void followHeroShip(){22         23         System.out.println(getName() + " is following the hero at " + engine );24         25     }26     27     public void displayEnemyShip(){28         29         System.out.println(getName() + " is on the screen");30         31     }32     33     public void enemyShipShoots(){34         35         System.out.println(getName() + " attacks and does " + weapon);36         37     }38     39     // If any EnemyShip object is printed to screen this shows up40     41     public String toString(){42         43         String infoOnShip = "The " + name + " has a top speed of " + engine + 44                 " and an attack power of " + weapon;45         46         return infoOnShip;47         48     }49     50 }

• UFOEnemyShip.java

1 public class UFOEnemyShip extends EnemyShip{ 2      3     // We define the type of ship we want to create 4     // by stating we want to use the factory that  5     // makes enemy ships 6      7     EnemyShipFactory shipFactory; 8      9     // The enemy ship required parts list is sent to 10     // this method. They state that the enemy ship11     // must have a weapon and engine assigned. That 12     // object also states the specific parts needed13     // to make a regular UFO versus a Boss UFO14     15     public UFOEnemyShip(EnemyShipFactory shipFactory){16         17         this.shipFactory = shipFactory;18         19     }20 21     // EnemyShipBuilding calls this method to build a 22     // specific UFOEnemyShip23     24     void makeShip() {25         26         System.out.println("Making enemy ship " + getName());27         28         // The specific weapon & engine needed were passed in29         // shipFactory. We are assigning those specific part30         // objects to the UFOEnemyShip here31         32         weapon = shipFactory.addESGun();33         engine = shipFactory.addESEngine();34         35     }36     37 }

• UFOBossEnemyShip.java

1 public class UFOBossEnemyShip extends EnemyShip{ 2      3     // We define the type of ship we want to create 4     // by stating we want to use the factory that  5     // makes enemy ships 6      7     EnemyShipFactory shipFactory; 8      9     // The enemy ship required parts list is sent to 10     // this method. They state that the enemy ship11     // must have a weapon and engine assigned. That 12     // object also states the specific parts needed13     // to make a Boss UFO versus a Regular UFO14     15     public UFOBossEnemyShip(EnemyShipFactory shipFactory){16         17         this.shipFactory = shipFactory;18         19     }20     21     // EnemyShipBuilding calls this method to build a 22     // specific UFOBossEnemyShip23 24     void makeShip() {25         26         // TODO Auto-generated method stub27         28         System.out.println("Making enemy ship " + getName());29         30         // The specific weapon & engine needed were passed in31         // shipFactory. We are assigning those specific part32         // objects to the UFOBossEnemyShip here33         34         weapon = shipFactory.addESGun();35         engine = shipFactory.addESEngine();36         37     }38     39 }

• ESEngine.java

1 // Any part that implements the interface ESEngine 2 // can replace that part in any ship 3  4 public interface ESEngine{ 5  6     // User is forced to implement this method 7     // It outputs the string returned when the  8     // object is printed 9     10     public String toString();11 12 }

• ESWeapon.java

1 // Any part that implements the interface ESWeapon 2 // can replace that part in any ship 3  4 public interface ESWeapon{ 5      6     // User is forced to implement this method 7     // It outputs the string returned when the  8     // object is printed 9 10     public String toString();11 12 }

• ESUFOGun.java

1 // Here we define a basic component of a space ship 2 // Any part that implements the interface ESWeapon 3 // can replace that part in any ship 4  5 public class ESUFOGun implements ESWeapon{ 6      7     // EnemyShip contains a reference to the object 8     // ESWeapon. It is stored in the field weapon 9     10     // The Strategy design pattern is being used here11     12     // When the field that is of type ESUFOGun is printed 13     // the following shows on the screen14     15     public String toString(){16         return "20 damage";17     }18     19 }

• ESUFOEngine.java

1 // Here we define a basic component of a space ship 2 // Any part that implements the interface ESEngine 3 // can replace that part in any ship 4  5 public class ESUFOEngine implements ESEngine{ 6      7     // EnemyShip contains a reference to the object 8     // ESWeapon. It is stored in the field weapon 9         10     // The Strategy design pattern is being used here11         12     // When the field that is of type ESUFOGun is printed 13     // the following shows on the screen14     15     public String toString(){16         return "1000 mph";17     }18     19 }

• ESUFOBossGun.java

1 // Here we define a basic component of a space ship 2 // Any part that implements the interface ESWeapon 3 // can replace that part in any ship 4  5 public class ESUFOBossGun implements ESWeapon{ 6      7     // EnemyShip contains a reference to the object 8     // ESWeapon. It is stored in the field weapon 9         10     // The Strategy design pattern is being used here11         12     // When the field that is of type ESUFOGun is printed 13     // the following shows on the screen14     15     public String toString(){16         return "40 damage";17     }18     19 }

• ESUFOBossEngine.java

1 // Here we define a basic component of a space ship 2 // Any part that implements the interface ESEngine 3 // can replace that part in any ship 4  5 public class ESUFOBossEngine implements ESEngine{ 6      7     // EnemyShip contains a reference to the object 8     // ESWeapon. It is stored in the field weapon 9             10     // The Strategy design pattern is being used here11             12     // When the field that is of type ESUFOGun is printed 13     // the following shows on the screen14     15     public String toString(){16         return "2000 mph";17     }18     19 }


What is the Singleton Design Pattern?

• It is used when you want to eliminate the option of instantiating more than one object.

• I'll Samplenstrate it using a class that holds all the potential Scrabble letters and spits out new ones upon request.

• Each player will share the same potential letter list.

• Each player has their own set of letters.

Sample Code

• Singleton.java

1 import java.util.Arrays;  2 import java.util.Collections;  3 import java.util.LinkedList;  4   5 public class Singleton {  6       7     private static Singleton firstInstance = null;  8       9     String[] scrabbleLetters = {"a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", 10             "b", "b", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "d", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e",  11             "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "f", "f", "g", "g", "g", "h",  12             "h", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "i", "j", "k", "l",  13             "l", "l", "l", "m", "m", "n", "n", "n", "n", "n", "n", "o", "o",  14             "o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "p", "p", "q", "r", "r", "r", "r",  15             "r", "r", "s", "s", "s", "s", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "u",  16             "u", "u", "u", "v", "v", "w", "w", "x", "y", "y", "z",};   17      18     private LinkedList
letterList = new LinkedList
(Arrays.asList(scrabbleLetters)); 19 20 // Used to slow down 1st thread 21 static boolean firstThread = true; 22 23 // Created to keep users from instantiation 24 // Only Singleton will be able to instantiate this class 25 26 private Singleton() { } 27 28 // We could make getInstance a synchronized method to force 29 // every thread to wait its turn. That way only one thread 30 // can access a method at a time. This can really slow everything 31 // down though 32 // public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() 33 34 public static Singleton getInstance() { 35 if(firstInstance == null) { 36 37 // This is here to test what happens if threads try 38 // to create instances of this class 39 40 if(firstThread){ 41 42 firstThread = false; 43 44 try { 45 Thread.currentThread(); 46 Thread.sleep(1000); 47 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 48 49 e.printStackTrace(); 50 } 51 } 52 53 // Here we just use synchronized when the first object 54 // is created 55 56 synchronized(Singleton.class){ 57 58 if(firstInstance == null) { 59 // If the instance isn't needed it isn't created 60 // This is known as lazy instantiation 61 62 firstInstance = new Singleton(); 63 64 // Shuffle the letters in the list 65 Collections.shuffle(firstInstance.letterList); 66 67 } 68 69 } 70 71 } 72 73 // Under either circumstance this returns the instance 74 75 return firstInstance; 76 } 77 78 public LinkedList
getLetterList(){ 79 80 return firstInstance.letterList; 81 82 } 83 84 public LinkedList
getTiles(int howManyTiles){ 85 86 // Tiles to be returned to the user 87 88 LinkedList
tilesToSend = new LinkedList
(); 89 90 // Cycle through the LinkedList while adding the starting 91 // Strings to the to be returned LinkedList while deleting 92 // them from letterList 93 94 for(int i = 0; i <= howManyTiles; i++){ 95 96 tilesToSend.add(firstInstance.letterList.remove(0)); 97 98 } 99 100 // Return the number of letter tiles requested101 102 return tilesToSend;103 104 }105 106 }

• ScrabbleTest.java

1 import java.util.LinkedList; 2  3 public class ScrabbleTest { 4      5     public static void main(String[] args){ 6          7         // How you create a new instance of Singleton 8          9         Singleton newInstance = Singleton.getInstance();10         11         // Get unique id for instance object12         13         System.out.println("1st Instance ID: " + System.identityHashCode(newInstance));14         15         // Get all of the letters stored in the List16         17         System.out.println(newInstance.getLetterList());18         19         LinkedList
playerOneTiles = newInstance.getTiles(7);20 21 System.out.println("Player 1: " + playerOneTiles);22 23 System.out.println(newInstance.getLetterList());24 25 // Try to make another instance of Singleton26 // This doesn't work because the constructor is private27 28 // Singleton instanceTwo = new Singleton();29 30 // Try getting a new instance using getInstance31 32 Singleton instanceTwo = Singleton.getInstance();33 34 // Get unique id for the new instance object35 36 System.out.println("2nd Instance ID: " + System.identityHashCode(instanceTwo));37 38 // This returns the value of the first instance created39 40 System.out.println(instanceTwo.getLetterList());41 42 // Player 2 draws 7 tiles43 44 LinkedList
playerTwoTiles = newInstance.getTiles(7);45 46 System.out.println("Player 2: " + playerTwoTiles);47 48 }49 50 }

• ScrabbleTestThreads.java

1 public class ScrabbleTestThreads{ 2      3     public static void main(String[] args){ 4          5         // Create a new Thread created using the Runnable interface 6         // Execute the code in run after 10 seconds 7                  8         Runnable getTiles = new GetTheTiles(); 9                 10         Runnable getTilesAgain = new GetTheTiles();11                 12         // Call for the code in the method run to execute13                 14         new Thread(getTiles).start();15         new Thread(getTilesAgain).start();16         17     }18     19 }

• GetTheTiles.java

1 import java.util.LinkedList; 2  3 public class GetTheTiles implements Runnable { 4      5     public void run(){ 6  7             // How you create a new instance of Singleton 8              9             Singleton newInstance = Singleton.getInstance();10             11             // Get unique id for instance object12             13             System.out.println("1st Instance ID: " + System.identityHashCode(newInstance));14             15             // Get all of the letters stored in the List16             17             System.out.println(newInstance.getLetterList());18             19             LinkedList
playerOneTiles = newInstance.getTiles(7);20 21 System.out.println("Player 1: " + playerOneTiles);22 23 System.out.println("Got Tiles");24 }25 26 }


What is the Builder Design Pattern?

• Pattern used to create objects made from a bunch of other objects.

• When you want to build an object made up from other objects.

• When you want the creation of these parts to be independent of the main object.

• Hide the creation of the parts from the client so both aren't dependent.

• The builder knows the specifics and nobody else dose.

Sample Code

• RobotPlan.java

1 // This is the interface that will be returned from the builder 2  3 public interface RobotPlan{ 4      5     public void setRobotHead(String head); 6      7     public void setRobotTorso(String torso); 8      9     public void setRobotArms(String arms);10     11     public void setRobotLegs(String legs);12     13 }

• Robot.java

1 // The concrete Robot class based on the RobotPlan interface 2  3 public class Robot implements RobotPlan{ 4  5     private String robotHead; 6     private String robotTorso; 7     private String robotArms; 8     private String robotLegs; 9     10     public void setRobotHead(String head) {11         12         robotHead = head;13         14     }15     16     public String getRobotHead(){ return robotHead; }17 18     19     public void setRobotTorso(String torso) {20         21         robotTorso = torso;22         23     }24     25     public String getRobotTorso(){ return robotTorso; }26 27     28     public void setRobotArms(String arms) {29         30         robotArms = arms;31         32     }33     34     public String getRobotArms(){ return robotArms; }35 36     37     public void setRobotLegs(String legs) {38         39         robotLegs = legs;40         41     }42     43     public String getRobotLegs(){ return robotLegs; }44     45     46     47 }

• RobotBuilder.java

1 // Defines the methods needed for creating parts  2 // for the robot 3  4 public interface RobotBuilder { 5      6     public void buildRobotHead(); 7      8     public void buildRobotTorso(); 9     10     public void buildRobotArms();11     12     public void buildRobotLegs();13     14     public Robot getRobot();15     16 }

• OldRobotBuilder.java

1 // The concrete builder class that assembles the parts  2 // of the finished Robot object 3  4 public class OldRobotBuilder implements RobotBuilder { 5  6     private Robot robot; 7      8     public OldRobotBuilder() { 9         10         this.robot = new Robot();11         12     }13     14     public void buildRobotHead() {15         16         robot.setRobotHead("Tin Head");17         18     }19 20     public void buildRobotTorso() {21         22         robot.setRobotTorso("Tin Torso");23         24     }25 26     public void buildRobotArms() {27         28         robot.setRobotArms("Blowtorch Arms");29         30     }31 32     public void buildRobotLegs() {33         34         robot.setRobotLegs("Rollar Skates");35         36     }37 38     public Robot getRobot() {39         40         return this.robot;41     }42     43     44     45 }

• RobotEngineer.java

1 // The director / engineer class creates a Robot using the 2 // builder interface that is defined (OldRobotBuilder) 3  4 public class RobotEngineer { 5      6     private RobotBuilder robotBuilder; 7      8     // OldRobotBuilder specification is sent to the engineer 9     10     public RobotEngineer(RobotBuilder robotBuilder){11         12         this.robotBuilder = robotBuilder;13         14     }15     16     // Return the Robot made from the OldRobotBuilder spec17     18     public Robot getRobot(){19         20         return this.robotBuilder.getRobot();21         22     }23     24     // Execute the methods specific to the RobotBuilder 25     // that implements RobotBuilder (OldRobotBuilder)26     27     public void makeRobot() {28         29         this.robotBuilder.buildRobotHead();30         this.robotBuilder.buildRobotTorso();31         this.robotBuilder.buildRobotArms();32         this.robotBuilder.buildRobotLegs();33         34     }35     36 }

• TestRobotBuilder.java

1 public class TestRobotBuilder { 2      3     public static void main(String[] args){ 4          5         // Get a RobotBuilder of type OldRobotBuilder 6          7         RobotBuilder oldStyleRobot = new OldRobotBuilder(); 8          9         // Pass the OldRobotBuilder specification to the engineer10         11         RobotEngineer robotEngineer = new RobotEngineer(oldStyleRobot);12         13         // Tell the engineer to make the Robot using the specifications14         // of the OldRobotBuilder class15         16         robotEngineer.makeRobot();17         18         // The engineer returns the right robot based off of the spec19         // sent to it on line 1120         21         Robot firstRobot = robotEngineer.getRobot();22         23         System.out.println("Robot Built");24         25         System.out.println("Robot Head Type: " + firstRobot.getRobotHead());26         27         System.out.println("Robot Torso Type: " + firstRobot.getRobotTorso());28         29         System.out.println("Robot Arm Type: " + firstRobot.getRobotArms());30         31         System.out.println("Robot Leg Type: " + firstRobot.getRobotLegs());32         33     }34     35 }


What is the Prototype Design Pattern?

• Creating new objects (instances) by cloning (copying) other objects.

• Allows for adding of any subclass instance of a known super class at run time.

• When there are numerous potential classes that you want to only use if needed at runtime.

• Reduces the need for creating subclasses.

Sample Code

• Animal.java

1 // By making this class cloneable you are telling Java 2 // that it is ok to copy instances of this class 3 // These instance copies have different results when 4 // System.identityHashCode(System.identityHashCode(bike)) 5 // is called  6  7 public interface Animal extends Cloneable { 8      9     public Animal makeCopy();10     11 }

• Sheep.java

1 public class Sheep implements Animal { 2  3     public Sheep(){ 4          5         System.out.println("Sheep is Made"); 6          7     } 8      9     public Animal makeCopy() {10         11         System.out.println("Sheep is Being Made");12         13         Sheep sheepObject = null;14         15         try {16             17             // Calls the Animal super classes clone()18             // Then casts the results to Sheep19             20             sheepObject = (Sheep) super.clone();21             22         }23         24         // If Animal didn't extend Cloneable this error 25         // is thrown26         27         catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {28               29             System.out.println("The Sheep was Turned to Mush");30             31             e.printStackTrace();32               33          }34         35         return sheepObject;36     }37     38     public String toString(){39         40         return "Dolly is my Hero, Baaaaa";41         42     }43     44 }

• CloneFactory.java

1 public class CloneFactory { 2      3     // Receives any Animal, or Animal subclass and 4     // makes a copy of it and stores it in its own 5     // location in memory 6      7     // CloneFactory has no idea what these objects are 8     // except that they are subclasses of Animal 9     10     public Animal getClone(Animal animalSample) {11         12         // Because of Polymorphism the Sheeps makeCopy()13         // is called here instead of Animals14         15         return animalSample.makeCopy();16         17     }18     19 }

• TestCloning.java

1 public class TestCloning { 2      3     public static void main(String[] args){ 4          5         // Handles routing makeCopy method calls to the  6         // right subclasses of Animal 7          8         CloneFactory animalMaker = new CloneFactory(); 9         10         // Creates a new Sheep instance11         12         Sheep sally = new Sheep();13         14         // Creates a clone of Sally and stores it in its own15         // memory location16         17         Sheep clonedSheep = (Sheep) animalMaker.getClone(sally);18         19         // These are exact copies of each other20         21         System.out.println(sally);22         23         System.out.println(clonedSheep);24         25         System.out.println("Sally HashCode: " + System.identityHashCode(System.identityHashCode(sally)));26         27         System.out.println("Clone HashCode: " + System.identityHashCode(System.identityHashCode(clonedSheep)));28     }29     30 }





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